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Image by Dong Cheng
Jessie Tan

Carl Jung

Personal Unconscious:

All experiences in one’s life is collected, remembered and stored in the “personal unconscious” or psyche. Some of this information could be called forward into the consciousness easily while others, particularly those associated with fear, guilt, anger etc would not be retrieved easily. - Paralyse with Fear-

Collective Unconscious:

Images and symbols transcends centuries and cultures and appear as images in humans unconsciousness. Jung’s theory explains the reoccurrences of similar images time after time e.g. children’s drawings of the sun, house or tree.

Carl Jung speaks of 3 main archetypes (blueprint) in the Collective Unconscious; 1. Persona; 2. Anima/animus; 3. Shadow

  1. Persona: this represents the image that is created to for the public. It is a facade, a mask, and does not reflect nor represent the individual’s true inner being.

  2. Anima/Animus: each gender has a female and male part within the psyche. For the male projects his female part (the anima) upon the female, and for the female, she will project her male part (the animus) upon the male. - Opposites attract-. Humans are naturally attracted with what are missing in their lives. Once the fascination disappears (aka falling out of love), what is often left is the “hole” within. Only by confronting and being comfortable with the presence of each contrasexuality can an individual be fully integrated.

  3. Shadow: it is the part of an individual’s psyche that is often overlooked out of denial, shame, fear etc. The shadow is a real and present danger because it rules the thoughts, emotions and behaviour. To be a whole, integrated being and to live as a true self, it is necessary to face up to it, takes its power away and seize control of the life dreamt of.


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